This bouquet is perfect for both a woman and a friend- or a coworker-man. The bright-scarlet roses do not solo here, they just tint the bouquet a little. The main flowers in this composition are the delicate milky lilies. Their whiteness is emphasized by the light chrysanthemums while heads-caps of lettuce-green color add a note of freshness and tone with the veins of the lilies of similar color.
The dense emerald-green foliage makes the composition bright and fresh. The bouquet will be good for wishing happy birthday, wedding, or professional holiday and will be a wonderful surprise for your beloved one on Valentine's Day or Women’s Day .
Note: the bouquet can look different from the picture. Vase is not included in its cost, you can order it separately.
Wonderful combination of charming delicate daisies and luxurious lilies. Pure white and light bouquet brings joy and serenity. Send your warm hugs to relatives or friends to cheer them at difficult moment with the help of this white miracle.